As I was strolling near Wadia College, Pune, I saw two young girls walking by the road. They were walking towards the bus stop. The road was quite busy but they didn't care. I saw tags on their necks and I got to know that they were students of the college. They passed by near me. Oh God... they were blind. Totally blind. You won't believe, they were crossing roads and that too alone and without blind sticks. The cars and buses also didn't seem to care.
It really pained me so much that nobody thinks about them, nobody cares about them. People don't treat as if they are humans too. Why? Why is the difference? Don't they need love? Don't they need care? They need special care and extra love.
I went through Google and found that over 15 million people are blind in India. Gosh! I really got stuck by the statistics. I believe we need to find out a solution to eradicate blindness from India, and trust me, we can do that. We just need to spread a bit of awareness among the mass to donate their eyes. Just showing advertisements on television is not going to work. We need to implement it practically and need to reach more people.
The best way to make people aware of and donate their eyes can be by providing Eye Donor Cards. And to implement it on large scale, co-operation from Government Agencies, Banks and Companies can help spread awareness and make more people donate eyes. The cards which we use in our daily life can serve both the purposes.
The following cards can be converted to Eye Donor cards:
- Pan Card
- Credit & Debit Cards
- Driving License
- Company ID Cards
The above mentioned cards can be of two types:
- Ordinary card
- Eye donor card
If someone doesn't agree to be an Eye Donor, he/she would be issued an ordinary card and those who agree to be donors would be issued Eye Donor Cards.
Let's bring a change to the world and let them see the sunshine too....